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The Stories of The Unseen Age

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The Capital City: Granhaven

The massive ringed city of Granhaven, often called "Haven," has recently fallen to tragedy. A massive earthquake has split the city's lower ring in two, while also destroying hundreds of buildings and killing thousands more. The colossal break over the land, called "The Rift" or "The Divide," has also released hundreds of strange fiendish creatures that come out at night. With these creatures invading the city every night, people are urged to take precautions and a curfew for children, age 17 and under, has been implemented.

The City Rings, Rydian Academy
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The Wastelands

What is considered the Wastelands are all the unclaimed territories outside of the major cities. These lands are filled with monsters, mythical creatures, bandits, barbarians, highwaymen, and so many more dangers.

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